International Market Watch - Resource Center
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Blogs- Samples
1. Do you want to talk to your boss face to face on your mobile? Mobi TV can fulfill your dream! This technology supported service available for all windows mobile powered phones and devices. It runs on WinMo-5.0 Smart phones. Full Screen viewing gives an effect of across the meeting. Supporting devices are Treo-700 w, Sprint PPC_6700, Cingular 2125, Cingular 8125 and Motorola Q. Next time when you plan to fly, think about WinMo- 5.0. This Mobi TV for Widows Mobile 5.0 is a revolution. Suitable for business executives and Top brasses travel frequently. The service is available for just $10/month.
2. How will it look like your traditional phone receiver connected to your mobile, then you walk and talk, keeping yor mobile in you pocket! The world will surprise. Listen now! This Retro phone hand set can work with the hand set jack of any popular mobile phones. If you need more convenience hand free adapter kit available. Plug in and dial this 2.5 mm jack. No need of extra battery, perfectly works with Motorola, LG and Samsung and with that favorite Black Berry. Different Models of adapters for Nokia, Ericcson and Siemens are on sale now. Buy today for just $ 4.99 each.
3. Samsung has fascinating news for the cell phone users. The long awaited UMA phone will be in the market for a short while from now. Though launched in Italy, others are still waiting for this fully packed the P200 1.3 mega pixel camera, EDGE, smallish 220 x 176 display, and 80 MB shared internal memory to save your favorite pictures. This SGH- P 200 UMA phone is a power full device, not to be desensitized it is true this SGH-P200UMA is true to be a winner. However, in the US and the other parts of Europe have to wait a little more while their Italian colleague dialing this smart phone. The price is yet be known as company still keeping as secrete, let us wait a little more- for its full launch in the US and the Europe.
Article- Sample Works
Beginner’s Special Complete Training Program: for a New Body.
As a beginner, when you think about a training program; understanding your metabolic rate is vital to maintain a balanced weight. Metabolic rates are generally two categories; the first one is basal metabolic rate (BMR) and the other one is resting metabolic rate (RMR). The RMR or BMR represents two thirds of one’s total daily energy needs. Muscle movement consumes 23% of the total energy, while, 10% as thermic effect or energy and waste. The most effective way to increase weight is to increase the mass of lean tissues as for every pound one gains, one quarter of it is lean tissue. So, if you want to lose one pound weight, your body requires only 10 fewer calories. Naturally, to reduce 10 pounds one should burn 100 calories. While muscle burns 13 calories per kilogram of body weight per day, fat burns almost 4.5 kcal /kg /day, and organs burn 200-400 kcal/kg/day. This shows your organs represent 60%-70% of metabolic rate while muscle movement consumes almost 16%-22%. If one wants to add muscle, realistically in a year it is possible only 4-5 pounds. This would add not more than 28-50 Kcals to the metabolic rate.
Every athlete is believed to have 8.5 gm of carbohydrate per kg of their body weight; and they consume 55% of the calories required from carbohydrates. This is essential to maximize glycogen re-synthesis. Such a heavy loading of carbo for an average body weight athlete is not realistic. However, the effective and pragmatic solution is to add some bonus calories; with a cup of oat meal with raisins sprinkled on top and A Power bar Performance bar each day.
Developing a daily nutrition chart is yours another task. Protein requires adequate consideration; when you develop complete and effective sports nutrition. Proteins and amino acids have many vital tasks, such as synthesis hormones and enzymes, balance fluid and electrolytes, provide for cellular and tissue maintenance and repair, act as transport molecules, keep immune system equipped and provide energy.
When you consider the requirement of endurance exercise fats and carbohydrate represent the dominant fuel. Endurance athletes need more than 0.8g/kg dietary protein; to maintain their balance. When protein was combined with carbs, the protein balance is found positive during and after the exercise. Combining protein and carbs during long duration activity can improve protein balance. During recovery, protein can help to maximize glycogen stores and improve glycogen balance. A carbo protein beverage can improve muscle glycogen store significantly than a carbohydrate beverage alone. This effect appears due to the insulin response to the amino acids increasing the glucose uptake into the muscles.
Protein ingestion; can help with muscle growth and repair. Meat, eggs and dairy sources of proteins are the highest protein quality sources other than Soya protein. Consuming 50 g of carbohydrate and 10-20 g of protein soon after a work out is ideal. During the exercise; a Power bar? Endurance sport drink will do a good job.
The third most important ingredient; is whole grain food. Whole grain is important; for fecal bulking effect promoting the rapid passage and elimination of potentially toxic digestive wastes. The rich insoluble fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol level and the risk of heart disease. Since the whole grain foods are processed in the gastronomical system more slowly, its pre-exercise consumption can cause gastronomical discomfort during work out. But, the new Power bar Harvest? Whole grain can add 10 g of protein and 5 g of fiber. You will feel good about it, as you are getting energy and nutrition healthy food to promote a healthy heart. Zondorin is the whole natural way to quicken the repair of fast twitech fibers in targeted muscles, giving you explosive strength and power. Zondorin can allow the rare combination of speed and strength in a matter of few short months. The unique formulation is completely safe and all natural. It is also legal and recognized worldwide.
Last, but not the least is cross training; which is also called transfer training is a successful training tool for the athletes of all levels. It will help you to avoid over training, reduce the risk of injury, enhance flexibility, work opposing muscles groups and strengthen the core. It can even protect you; from repletion nature of training providing improvements in your particular activity. After resistance training work out either you are a cyclist or a marathoner you need pre-exercise, during and post exercise supplements are for which Myoplex nutrition is an ideal choice. Cross training helps to increase range of motion, reduce lower back pain, improve posture, reduce soreness and promote muscular and mental relaxation
So, work hard, be realistic, eat healthy food and be healthy.
Creative & Media Alliance
Motor Cycle Clothing
There is some great looking motor cycle clothing in the market these days. However, most of the motor cycle clothing offers not that much protection one expects. Many developed countries have enforced compulsory protective clothing for motor cyclists; especially helmets, to reduce injuries and fatalities in accidents. Modern helmets are constructed from plastics; while, the helmets made from injection molded advanced thermo plastic alloy also available.
Other protective gear may include jackets, boots and gloves. Jackets meant for motor cyclists are made of nylon or leather. But, motor racers wear hydrophobic thermal water proof jackets, with wind and water resistant front and chest zipper. These jackets typically include heavy padding on the elbow, spine and shoulder region. Key elements of performance of a jacket include its strength, abrasion resistance, ability to stretch and breathe, and its capability to slide, instead of grabbing tarmac or concrete.
Boots are designed to protect rider’s feet and legs, while riding and in the event of an accident. They are generally made from thick leather; whereas, the boots made from synthetic leather and textile shell with dual zone lacing for maximum comfort and adjustability are also plenty in the market. A curved composite plate may be included to cover the shin of the boot to protect the rider’s shin as the rider’s legs and feet are extremely vulnerable.
The bibs/pants should be reinforced at the knees and hips. Sometimes, they are even attached to the jacket by a zipper. Choose the gloves with high density palm, having double leather wrap around palm and on fingers; lest, your palms will be at risk in an accident.
Finding a genuine product is a task these days, as the market is over crowded with me too brands. Many outlets don’t even have a good pre-service and post service facilities. However, some outlets like ... sell authentic products

The Two Sides of Diabetes
Diabetes is just one of the many chronic diseases gaining media attention. News reports depicting new medications as well as promising new studies have diabetics excited and full of hope; until the reports finally mention the help is for Type II diabetes only.
There are several variations of diabetes; with Type I and II being the most prominent. The primary influence for this disease is genetics. Type 1 diabetes causes the pancreas to produce miniscule to zero amounts of insulin. In a person without diabetes, the pancreas produces insulin when the sugar levels in the bloodstream are high. If there is not enough sugar present, sugar will automatically be released into the bloodstream. A Type I diabetic does not have this luxury. A person with Type I diabetes must check his/her blood sugar levels multiple times throughout the day and inject insulin as it is needed. Exercise, combined with the proper diet can greatly assist in the management of this disease but, will not suffice as the only management tools.
Type II diabetes causes the same problem as Type 1 only with less severity. Different factors cause this type of diabetes such as genetics, age and race. Environmental factors also play an influential role in acquiring this disease. The pancreas of a Type II diabetic may produce insulin, just not enough to live without some form of active management. This type of diabetes can be successfully managed with diet, exercise and medication. Many Type II diabetics do not require the use of insulin injections as a management tool.
News reports focus mainly on new medications or new ways to prevent the onset of Type II diabetes. Keep in mind when reading these reports what type of diabetes is being discussed. Type I diabetes can not be prevented nor can it be managed by medication alone, while Type II diabetes is generally preventable and is typically managed by combining diet, exercise and medication.
The American Economy: Problems and Procedures-1
The American economy has been showing a downward trend for the last few years for various reasons. Although there are many arguments for and against the existence of this downward trend, there are some real problems that have haunted the American economy for the last few years.
Budget cuts in research and development, unfriendly atmosphere and lag, development of technology for outsourcing, aging citizens, lower human capital, corporate competition and loss of margin, renovation of India and China to meet international standards for products and services, the cost of American academies and sponsorship system, and the entrepreneurial mentality of Asia's new generation are major problems which deeply wounded the US dollar.
Presently, the unemployment rate of 4.9%, massive lay-offs by General Motors and airline bankruptcies and corporate pension woes are major concerns. These trends further weakened the US dollar and caused fear among potential investors. Over time many of them have opted for the euro as a safer investment than the US dollar.
Potential investors may well consider themselves better off investing in the euro for the next five years when they consider the current situation and future eventualities weakening the American economy and the US dollar at this time.
As the electric companies are forced to depend on natural gas its price is increasing. At the same time, Canada has started using its own natural gas and the production of US gas decreased by 5% every year. [The statistic about US natural gas production in this last sentence is unclear. It has decreased by 5% every year since when, and what is the 85%???]
Any sharp increase in the oil price in the international market ($45-$70) will badly affect the US dollar's growth and result in inflation. Today, the higher costs of food and fuel are also major concerns among experts. The growth rate is only 3.3% and the percent profit is less than satisfactory. There is also a strong opinion among experts that it will slow down again.
The condition of the euro is much brighter. It is predicted that the euro zone GDP growth will rise between 1% and 3% in 2006 and will continue rising from there. [Will the GDP rise or the GDP growth rate rise? It's unclear…] We should not forget that China is still growing 9% per annum and that Japan is again emerging as a potential market for sure return on any investment. The European Central Bank recently lifted the interest rate for the first time in five years in order to boost the economy. These higher interest rates and faster growth give a positive signal to invest in euro-based bonds and stocks over dollar-based investments.
It will take some time for the war-troubled American dollar to come out of its current slump. At the same time, real estate investments may lose money because of massive selling due to over billing. It is also important to note that America is still not free from the threat of terrorism, and it will take more than seven years to clean up the scenario. So there is the possibility of further plunge for the dollar, which could cause loss for any investors. Federal debt is increasing more than ever. It is now up to $8 trillion from less than $5.7 trillion six years ago.
For an investor, the American dollar is prone to be more affected than the euro in the coming few years.